16-week cognitive-behavioral program to treat panic attacks

A Conversation About Meds For Your Panic


To medicate or not to medicate is an important question. Many patients who come to me may already be on medication. If so, it is likely that this patient wants to remain on their medication because they are fearful that their panic attacks will increase in frequency and/or intensity if they discontinue their medication. My patient’s wishes are always respected.

My preference, however, is NOT to be on medication when you begin this program. The rationale for my preference is simple. As you steadily improve and your panic attacks are diminishing, I want every patient to know that it is because of what you are doing vs. what the medication is doing. My goal is to help you to know and believe that it is YOU in charge and NOT the medication you are taking. It is so vitally important for you to become empowered and KNOW that you are in control.