How Can Dr Berlin’s Treatment Be Effective for Your Emotional Problems?
Have you been experiencing some emotional problems—depression, anxiety, or any feelings—that impede your everyday activities for quite some time? Psychotherapy may prove to be a

5 Ways To Get Your Anxiety Under Control
The National Alliance On Mental Health Illness cites that over 40 million American adults live with an anxiety disorder – that’s nearly 1 in every

What to do during a panic attack.
Panic attacks can happen without any warning at all. However, a majority of panic attacks have some warning signs that happen long before the attack.

3 Healthy Ways To Battle Depression
What is Depression? Depression, or major depressive disorder, is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects your mood, your behavior, and your thought

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?
It is no surprise that there is often a misunderstanding about the differences between a psychologist and a psychiatrist. There are many similarities and differences